注:上述注册资本业经深圳市华鹏会计师事务所有限责任公司以华鹏验字[2003]989号验资报告验证在案。 Note: The above registered capital has been verified by Shenzhen Huapeng Certified Public Accountants in the capital verification report (H.P.Y.Z. [2003] No.989). 附注11:主营业务收入 Note 11: Prime Operating Revenue 项 目 上年数 期末数 ------------------ ------------------ ------------------ 销售油品 RMB 3,583,294.47 RMB 3,433,023.83 ------------------ ------------------ 合 计 RMB 3,583,294.47 RMB 3,433,023.83 ================== ================== Item Amount in last year Balance at the end of the year ------------------ ----------------------------- ----------------------------- Selling oils RMB 3,583,294.47 RMB 3,433,023.83 ------------------ ------------------ Total RMB 3,583,294.47 RMB 3,433,023.83 ================ ================
附注12:主营业务成本 Note 12: Operating Costs 项 目 上年数 期末数 ------------------ ------------------ ------------------ 销售油品 RMB 3,128,338.16 RMB 2,670,969.99 ------------------ ------------------ 合 计 RMB 3,128,338.16 RMB 2,670,969.99 ================== ================== Item Amount in last year Balance at the end of the year ------------------ ----------------------------- ----------------------------- Selling oils RMB 3,128,338.16 RMB 2,670,969.99
------------------ ------------------ Total RMB 3,128,338.16 RMB 2,670,969.99 =============== ===============
附注13:其它业务利润 Note 13: Profit from Other Operations 项 目 上年数 期末数 ------------------- ------------------ ------------------ 代理进口及咨询 RMB 258,145.35 RMB 130,879.74 ------------------ ------------------ 合 计 RMB 258,145.35 RMB 130,879.74 ================== ================== Item Amount in last year Balance at the end of the year ------------------ ----------------------------- ----------------------------- Import agent and consulting RMB 258,145.35 RMB 130,879.74 ------------------ ------------------ Total RMB 258,145.35 RMB 130,879.74 本新闻共 6页,当前在第 6页 1 2 3 4 5 6 |