
cye.com.cn 时间:2011-6-7 23:07:27 来源:创业网cye 我来说两句
     (5) Methods for Fixed Asset Valuation and Depreciation
a. The statutory criteria of fixed assets: The buildings, structures, machines, machinery, transportation facilities and other equipment, appliances and tools, etc. relating to production and operation with the service life above one year; the articles that are not the major devices of production and operation and bear the unit value of over 2,000 yuan and service life above one year;
b. The fixed assets are recorded at actual costs;
c. Straight line method of depreciation method is adopted. The estimated residual rate is 5%. The Annual depreciation rate is as follows:
    资产类别                 折旧年限               年折旧率
------------------        ————----——        -------------
房    屋 20年  4.75%
电子设备 5年 19%

Category of fixed assets Depreciable Life Annual depreciation rate
----------------------- ----------------------- -----------------------
Building  20 years 4.75%
Electronic Equipment 5 years 19%

    (6) The Applicable Major Tax Category and Tax Rate of the Company
       税    种                  计税依据               适用税率
  ------------------- ------------------ ----------
    增值税 增值额   17%
    营业税 营业额    5%
    城建税 应纳流转税额    1%
    企业所得税              应纳税所得额                   18%
Tax Category Tax Base   Applicable Tax Rate
------------------- ------------------- -------------------
Value added tax Value added tax 17%
Business tax  Business tax  5%
Urban maintenance and construction tax Turnover tax payable 1%
Corporate income tax Taxable Income 18%

(7) Revenue Recognition
Selling goods:
The significant risks and rewards have been transferred to the buyer; the company retains neither continuing involvement nor effective control over the goods sold; the economic benefits associate with the transaction can flow into the company; the economic benefits and costs associate with the transaction can be reliably measured. The revenue shall be recognized after meeting the abov1e conditions.
Providing service:
As for the service finished in the same year, the total service revenue and cost can be reliably measured; the service revenue is recognized when the costs associate with the transaction flow into the company.
 (8) Cash Equivalents
Cash equivalents are short-term, highly liquid investments that are readily convertible to known amounts of cash and which are subject to an insignificant risk of changes in value.
Note 3: Cash and Cash Equivalents
     项  目                           期 初 数                  期 末 数
------------------- ------------------ ------------------
现金 RMB 106,540.79 RMB 50,327.63
银行存款 177,727.21 83,036.37
 ------------------ ------------------

本新闻共6页,当前在第2页  1  2  3  4  5  6  



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