(5) Methods for Fixed Asset Valuation and Depreciation a、固定资产确认标准:使用期限超过一年的房屋、建筑物、机器、机械、运输工具以及其他与生产、经营有关的设备、器具、工具等资产;不属于生产、经营主要设备的物品,单位价值在2000元以上并且使用期限超过一年的; a. The statutory criteria of fixed assets: The buildings, structures, machines, machinery, transportation facilities and other equipment, appliances and tools, etc. relating to production and operation with the service life above one year; the articles that are not the major devices of production and operation and bear the unit value of over 2,000 yuan and service life above one year; b、固定资产以实际成本计价; b. The fixed assets are recorded at actual costs; c、固定资产折旧采用直线法平均计算,预计残值率为5%,制定其年折旧率如下: c. Straight line method of depreciation method is adopted. The estimated residual rate is 5%. The Annual depreciation rate is as follows: 资产类别 折旧年限 年折旧率 ------------------ ————----—— ------------- 房 屋 20年 4.75% 电子设备 5年 19%
Category of fixed assets Depreciable Life Annual depreciation rate ----------------------- ----------------------- ----------------------- Building 20 years 4.75% Electronic Equipment 5 years 19%
(6)本公司适用的主要税种及税率 (6) The Applicable Major Tax Category and Tax Rate of the Company 税 种 计税依据 适用税率 ------------------- ------------------ ---------- 增值税 增值额 17% 营业税 营业额 5% 城建税 应纳流转税额 1% 企业所得税 应纳税所得额 18% Tax Category Tax Base Applicable Tax Rate ------------------- ------------------- ------------------- Value added tax Value added tax 17% Business tax Business tax 5% Urban maintenance and construction tax Turnover tax payable 1% Corporate income tax Taxable Income 18%
(7)收入确认原则 (7) Revenue Recognition 销售商品: 公司已将商品所有权上的主要风险和报酬转移给购货方;既没有保留通常与所有权相联系的继续管理权,也没有对已售出的商品实施控制;与交易相关的经济利润能够流入公司;相关的收入和成本能够可靠计量。在上述条件均能满足时予以确认收入。 Selling goods: The significant risks and rewards have been transferred to the buyer; the company retains neither continuing involvement nor effective control over the goods sold; the economic benefits associate with the transaction can flow into the company; the economic benefits and costs associate with the transaction can be reliably measured. The revenue shall be recognized after meeting the abov1e conditions. 提供劳务: 同一年度内开始完成的,在劳务总收入和总成本能够可靠计量;与交易相关的价款能够流入本公司时,确认劳务收入。 Providing service: As for the service finished in the same year, the total service revenue and cost can be reliably measured; the service revenue is recognized when the costs associate with the transaction flow into the company. (8)现金等价物 现金等价物指持有期限短,流动性强,易于转换为已知金额现金,价值变动风险很小的投资。 (8) Cash Equivalents Cash equivalents are short-term, highly liquid investments that are readily convertible to known amounts of cash and which are subject to an insignificant risk of changes in value. 附注3:货币资金 Note 3: Cash and Cash Equivalents 项 目 期 初 数 期 末 数 ------------------- ------------------ ------------------ 现金 RMB 106,540.79 RMB 50,327.63 银行存款 177,727.21 83,036.37 ------------------ ------------------ 本新闻共 6页,当前在第 2页 1 2 3 4 5 6 |